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As you journey to learn more about me, here is a brief summary of my journey through the years.

About Me: Welcome


Over the last 28 years, I have been blessed to grow up as part of a loving family from a small rural town in Nebraska. I have always been very close to a majority of my siblings, and as the years have gone by, I have grown more and more in my relationship with my father. From the very beginning, my mother has always had a huge impact on my life because, when I was young, my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Even though growing up with a mother who was sick was difficult, there was never a time where I did not feel like she was present and available.

About Me: Introduction

Early Years

Through the influence of my mother, I began attending the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod at an early age. Throughout my elementary and middle school years, I regularly attended Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and MIdweek classes. In 7th and 8th grade, I began confirmation instruction, and in the spring of my 8th grade year, I became a confirmed member of my childhood congregation.

About Me: Church Life

High School Years

During high school, I was a good student who, through the years, enjoyed taking every art class that was offered on the class roster. Unfortunately, during this time I became less and less involved with my family congregation, and as I headed into graduated in 2011, my attention was more so focused on art and education.

About Me: High School

College Years

I entered college with the intent to graduate with a degree in art education, but as I would learn several times throughout my time at Wayne State College, the person who enters college is not always the person who exists college. For instance, I ended up changing my major two times, and in 2015, I finally ended up graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education Studies, Non-Certified. As this degree did not easily lead toward a specific long term career, I began to reflect on my life and my prospects for the future. Fortunately, during my college years, I resumed activity in my congregation as I sought to gain experience in the educational field, and as a result of this development, I found that I really felt comfortable serving in the Church. As I looked to the future, I really felt that God was calling me toward a church worker career in educational ministry, much to my own surprise.

About Me: College


A year after leaving Wayne State College, I made the choice to return to school, so that I could receive the training necessary to serve as a church worker in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. To that end, I began instruction through Concordia University, Irvine, with the intention of receiving a Director of Christian Education certification. While working to juggle these new academic responsibilities, I also continued to work as a substitute teacher in my local school district. Presently, I continue to serve as a Christian volunteer at my local congregation, a student, a substitute teacher, a son, and a brother. In my free time, I enjoy reading, watching movies, and trying to learn to play the guitar.

About Me: Current Life
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